
基本的には、ツイッターに自分が上げたネタのまとめ、アニメや漫画の感想、考察、レビュー、再現料理など。 本音を言えばあみぐるまーです。制作したヒトガタあみぐるみについて、使用毛糸や何を考えて編んだか等を書いています。

『Haibane Renmei』and『Wish upon the Pleiades』

She comes over the world.
She feels the world and friends.
She become separated from precious friend.
The subject moves to the story of she and she/he.
She knows the world and despair of her/him heart.
She become emotional support for her/him.
For the last, pile up their relationship carefully earmestly. 

『Haibane Renmei』and『Wish upon the Pleiades』who are the animated cartoon which oneself was impressed by very much think that story structure.

