
基本的には、ツイッターに自分が上げたネタのまとめ、アニメや漫画の感想、考察、レビュー、再現料理など。 本音を言えばあみぐるまーです。制作したヒトガタあみぐるみについて、使用毛糸や何を考えて編んだか等を書いています。

The product photo of the amigurumi sold at the booth has been retaken and replaced.

The booth shop is from the link below.
六連星手芸部/Pleiades Crochet Circle

The product photos when I opened the store were so bad that I studied the camera a little more and took the photos again. When I took a picture with a digital camera, the shades of the amigurumi were drawn too darkly, and the stitches stood out badly, so it was difficult...